Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Roots and Wings and spirit travel....

While in Newfoundland recently at a congress meeting, we sat with a delightful gentleman, 71 years of age who spoke of a genuine transformation in his life several years earlier. He spoke of being an "intellectual snob" and how God had transformed him.

He spoke of John Powell (Catholic writer of the 70's who I knew), Keith Green (another prophet from the late 70's, early 80's, CS Lewis "Mere Chrisitianity" and JB Philips translation. I knew he was a good friend of Jesus. I think earlier in the day I had prayed to have a significant conversation with some-one. We connected - this man had roots and depth and something to share with me and generation NEXT. While we were waiting for the meeting to start, so many people came to greet him - not fawning over him, greeting him - a man of God....hmmm.

The next day in the Halifax airport we met a young 16 year old from a little place outside of Seal Cove - he was reading an Edge magazine and so the conversation started. He wants to be an officer or a medical doctor serving Jesus. His life has changed dramatically for the last two years. He was so open to our conversation about mission, spiritual growth, church culture. I think earlier the day before I had prayed to have a significant conversation.

These two gentleman - Newfoundlanders whom God had found - different look, different tastes, same passion for Jesus - ROOTS AND WINGS - I think they could have a great conversation together - I know they both genuinely love Jesus and we are all connected in spirit.

Spirit travel - ask Jesus to lead you to significant conversations. Spirit travel transcends generations. God is transforming, revolutionizing - together we move forward.


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