Monday, November 28, 2005

Do you love well?

Someone has described a saint as an extravagant lover of God and people.

Just listened to a CD of J. Heron who works in Vancouver's east side (along with 84 other not for profit groups) who asked those at the Mosaic church planting conference, (and all those who will have heard it by CD - "Do you love well?"

When Paul was finally accepted by the apostles after 14 years (Galatians 2:1-10), the only thing they challenged this former persecutor of Christians and keeper of the law - "Continue to remember the poor".

James 1:27 "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world". We have sometimes majored on the latter and forgotten the former.

I have really been challenged about fathers and children, my relationship with my children, and specifically sons, who may one day become fathers, and with my father.

Honouring our father and mother is huge - the one commandment with a promise - long life at that.

J. Heron says 80% of those who suffer in the east side of Vancouver are foster children. I wonder how many spiritual foster children we have.

There's a link here -loving God well, loving our kids, and parents well, loving the poor well. The church should be leading the way.....

It takes courage, looking inside, looking at our past, looking at Jesus, and then looking at others.

God help me to love well - I am loved well by you - may my heart and mind and body unite in affirmation of this truth.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005


Ah the creative juices flow - a new word!

Brennan Manning "A Glimpse of Jesus" is stirring up a lot in my spirit, almost too much to take - when we go deep we stir up, and we start confronting strong-holds - the way out is not more will-power, but humility before God and others.

We can experience the compassion and unconditional acceptance of Jesus Christ only when we feel valued and cherished by others.

(Have I experienced the message “God loves you” through people” REAL-ATIONSHIPS)

The quality of a Christian’s presence in the assembly, his relationship to God, and to his brothers and sisters, is key.

The value of community worship in the sight of God – independent of the quality of music, effectiveness of preaching, imagination of the the service and décor – is measured by the quality of life and love in the community of faith.

The body of Christ - His provision - the way out, the way in, the way through. Let's keep going!

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Buck Naked Faith (doing/being real)

Becoming real, being real. Looking honestly at ourselves, deepening our understanding of self and God, within the context of community.

“Deep within us our humanness is a profound need to be heard, and understood, not in part, but as a whole. Discover how to meet this need in yourself and in others.

No-one can develop freely in this world, and find a full life without feeling understood by at least one person. No-one comes to know himself through introspection or in the solitude of his personal diary. Rather it is in dialogue, in his meeting with other persons.” (Paul Tournier)

To those who want to further explore this "real" thing I once again heartily recommend "Buck Naked Faith".

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


Ah that word has caused someone to linger a little longer over this blog.

Back from 4 day whirlwind tour to Western Nfld - Deer Lake Youth Gathering, at Cornerbrook Citadel for regional Youth Workers seminars, Sunday services in Stephenville and Cornerbook Temple. Stayed with friends, met new ones. Marvellous hospitality, people.

The burden of youth and youth workers is "traditionalism", religion. Some very thoughtful, passionate people are struggling with these big ones. It's not a regional thing anymore - it's bigger than culture and regions.

Real (authentic), Relevant (talking a common, understandable language - doesn't mean dumbing down Jesus, faith, the bible) and Relational (person to person, God to person).

This is the heart cry. God help us, it's not easy, but we have to start where we are.

Oh yeah I've got to talk about sex right? Everybody thinks about it, everybody in the church is afraid to talk about it. Repression, ignorance are unhealthy. Education, conversation are helpful. Generation next deserves better. That's what we all concluded at the seminar on Saturday. We're afraid to advertise it. It's okay to advertise, giving the context, values and God's view. It's great - in its place - sharing that comfortably, clearly, confidently is our challenge and our responsibility.

Not the mushroom treatment - keep you in the dark and feed you ****.

May it be the real me, talking to the real God, in real community! Wisdom, courage, patience come from your hand O Lord - thank you!