Thursday, September 27, 2007

Drop thy still dews of quietness....

I am so tired. It's been busy, and it won't let up for a little while. Off to Texas soon.

I've been fighting technology, new computer doesn't seem to react like the old one, or function or.....knowing when to walk away, and when to duke it out.

Why would we get upset with a piece of machinery.

Dear Lord and Father of mankind, forgive our foolish ways;
Reclothe us in our rightful mind; in purer lives thy service find,
In deeper reverence, praise.

Breathe through the heats of our desire thy coolness and thy balm;
Let sense be dumb, let flesh retire; speak through the earthquake, wind and fire,
The beauty of thy peace.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

He woke me up this morning....

September has come full force - love the fall, the dew on the grass in the morning, the leaves, the transitioning of nature, don't have to water my plants as much and they are flourishing.

Activities crowd in. I continue to listen deeply to God, who refutes the lies of the enemy over my soul. I continue to act upon his whispers into my soul, to let his word dwell in me richly. To believe what he says, and to act as if what he says is true.

My prayer life, and intercession are more constant, attentive, integrating my life and my prayer. A few things on the go in the next few weeks - too many, too demanding - I've been praying and God woke me up this a.m. and thoughts tumbled out - I had done my homework, reading and soul preparation, but he helped bring it together - it is all stuff for his kingdom.

Day by day O dear Lord three things I pray. To see thee more clearly, love thee more dearly, follow thee more nearly, day by day.

I say yes....

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Good things take time...

Have been integrating "The Jesus Prayer" into my lifestyle, as I'm drifting off to sleep, unable to sleep, waking in the morning, parked in traffic, walking.

Lord Jesus Christ, son of God, have mercy on me a sinner.

The first part includes the gospel, the history of Jesus Christ, the second part represents the history of our weakness and sinfulness. It is an incredibly concise, comprehensive, powerful prayer, suited to our posture, status before God.

Its efficacy, benefit become apparent when it is internalized - interior prayer.

  • constant - repetition

  • attentive - invoking the name and presence

  • the mind enters the heart

Our spirit operates through several levels, but the deeper the communion, the deeper that work, and then we need time, constancy, attentivenss as heart is acted upon.

Another song comes to mind:

Take from my mind the stress of secret fear; cleanse thou the wounds from all but thee far hidden; flow through my soul, redeem it's desert places, and make a garden there for the Lord I adore.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Stunned into Silence....

Into some signicant reading about emotions, the inner life, God's grace, mercy, sovereignty.

Silence, a quieting of our relentless, pulsating fury toward God, occurs when that fury is at full boil and we meet the God we think we despise. We then find that He is all we feared, but infinitely more kind than we could have ever imagined.

"A sight of God's holiness without a hint of His mercy will lead to either hopeless despair or to something even more awful, a pharasaical presumption of ability to 'do his will'."

"On the other hand, a mouthful of mercy without a somber taste of holiness leads us to a brazen familiarity with deity that twists Him into everyone's favourite uncle. Such intimacy is sloppy and undignified, and it eventually leads us to paint God with colours of our own making. The Bible portrays God in ways that ought to stun us."

Dan Allender "Bold Love"

"All my hope is in Your mercy, change my heart, set me free"