He woke me up this morning....
September has come full force - love the fall, the dew on the grass in the morning, the leaves, the transitioning of nature, don't have to water my plants as much and they are flourishing.
Activities crowd in. I continue to listen deeply to God, who refutes the lies of the enemy over my soul. I continue to act upon his whispers into my soul, to let his word dwell in me richly. To believe what he says, and to act as if what he says is true.
My prayer life, and intercession are more constant, attentive, integrating my life and my prayer. A few things on the go in the next few weeks - too many, too demanding - I've been praying and God woke me up this a.m. and thoughts tumbled out - I had done my homework, reading and soul preparation, but he helped bring it together - it is all stuff for his kingdom.
Day by day O dear Lord three things I pray. To see thee more clearly, love thee more dearly, follow thee more nearly, day by day.
I say yes....
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