Thursday, December 08, 2005

God in the face of a child....

As they journeyed homeward o’er moor and fen
It wasn’t the anger of Herod then
Which haunted the thoughts of the three wise men;
And it wasn’t a Mother who smiled;
Nor even a Baby’s unwinking stare
As the rushlight gleamed in that stable bare
On the glittering gifts they brought Him there;
It was God – in the face of a Child.

There’s a pilgrimage for us all to make,
A star to be followed, a road to take
Ere our search be ended; and hearts may quake
At a prospect so daunting, so wild.
But our mundane lives will be rich and bright,
Transformed by the glory of Heaven’s light

If at Bethlehem on this Christmas night, We see God – in the face of a Child.
We are not alone - God knows, God understands, he has walked where we walk, he is with us (most often through other people). The light shines in the darkness - thank you O holy Child of Bethlehem....


Blogger Natalie Jill said...

This photo speaks to me in so many ways. I have one that I took this summer while I was in the Dominican. I met this little girl at a village and she just clung to me. She never smiled and she cried when I left. I can't get her out of my mind but I would never want that image to disapear from my memory.

Just felt like sharing that!

I should probabaly add that ecperiend to my "life tree" ha ha.

5:32 PM  

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