Monday, January 31, 2005

Let the DREAMS begin....

Just spent an amazing weekend just outside of St. John's NFLD on a retreat with U. students - we got there later than planned - winter big-time - but nothing slowed us down.

Small groups were cool as always - you get to know someone quickly - great worship - learning on spiritual gifts, personality profile - scripture teaching on God's call for our lives.

Saturday p.m. around the fireplace I was asked to close the p.m. and devotional time with prayer. I chose right then instead to ask all present to share their vision, their dream and the Holy Spirit took over from there. Just a summary:

1. Christian youth to take a stand on the environment - God's creation
2. A Salvation Army that manages money wisely and has not financial concerns, it tithes.
3. Youth involved in mentoring the junior highs who are maturing rapidly
4. Outreach of the group into the university community
5. A ministry to the children of the poor in downtown St. John's
6. A world reconciled to one another - hope - beyond class, race, politics
7. A place where children are valued and nurtured.
8. A Salvation Army territory-wide that is renewed by youth and for youth
9. Reaching out to hurting people - compassion, mercy
10. The vision of a tree rooted, offering shade and shelter, welcoming all was shared.

Each dream and vision was prayed into and we sang and gave God glory. Some great things are on the go - the next generation is up to revolution - working in tandem with the wisdom of the previous generation.

We know and pray that God will fan into flame these dreams of individuals and the group as a whole and His church.

LET THE DREAMS CONTINUE! Feel free to share a dream and we'll get prayer support all over it!

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Braveheart...the next generation deserves better

The Edge magazine pulls no punches this month, check it out - good job John. So here I go.

"The real duty of real men goes beyond 'live and let live'. We are mandated to protect widows, orphans, the alien, and all those who lack sustaining relationships. As long as men and boy fail to be protective, they will fall prey to the typical male sexual fantasy that sells porn mags and films...
...The only real solution is to teach young men that the source of their power is the nurturing and protecting image of God created within them." E. James Wilder

We're meant to slay the dragon, win the war, protect and provide.

David was at home while his buds were fighting the war - David was supposedly living royally and got screwed up royally. Adultery, decepton/lies, murder - ouch....

This could me one of the more important things that I have ever written. I covet the next generation, but OHHHHHHHHHHHH do I covet the next generation and my generation of males that they would get of the bench and into the arena - realizing our purpose, potential, personhood in Christ Jesus.

When we do, watch out! The next generation deserves better!

Thursday, January 13, 2005


During the Holocaust - 1.5 million children were killed - how sobering to hear of this through children's eyes at the Holocaust/Smithsonian Museum in Washington DC.

It's like every day for 8 years a school of children was killed.

How encouraging to know that during this hellish time, while some Christians caved in to pressure, others were noble in resistance and advocating for children.

Evil triumphs when good people do nothing. When there is a vacuum of leadership - evil steps in.

See Hotel Rwanda - sobering - but again leaders can shine in the darkness - must shine!

Developing leaders - NO OPTION - A MUST - WE WILL GET IT DONE!


We have to be the revolution we want to see in the world.

That's what the Territorial Leaders of Youth in The Salvation Army from the UK, Canada and the four American territories have commited to.

It's encouraging to hear of the wind that is blowing around the world. To mix metaphors, we must stand poised to catch the wave.

Championing Generation NEXT is not a fad, or a program. It is a reality - I CONTINUE TOTALLY COMMITED TO CHAMPIONING GENERATION NEXT!

The best is yet to come!

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Consuming fire fanning a Passion for your name...

There must be more than this; O breath of God come breathe within.
Spirit of God we wait for you.

Fill us anew we pray,
Consuming fire fan into flame a passion for your name.

Come like a rushing wind, clothe us in power from on high
Now sete the captives free, leave us abandoned to your praise

Lord let your glory fall, Lord, have your way.

I sang that New Year's eve with 50 youth united in heart and will - very cool.

I sang it this morning in a totally different setting - THQ prayers - very cool.

You'll see we're praying for $50,000 as opposed to my earlier musing of $50,000 - with matching fed money we will do $100k. NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH OUR GOD!

Both places we sought God's face, combined $2200. to kickstart "Kids LIFELINE of Hope" the Territorial Youth and Children project for Asia Relief.

Check it out:

Seize the moments my friends - seize God.

Powerful stuff....powerful stuff....singing Tim Hughes song could he hazardous to your life!!

Monday, January 03, 2005

Do Something....$100,000 for Tsunamai relief

The balance between doing and being.....

We've been known as doers in the Salvation Army at the expense of being.

With God's power this year we can change who we are -see deep-seated attitudes, addictions, habits changed, lifestyles, relationships, communities impacted. "Changing for good" (Prochaska Norcross, Diclemente) is a great book. Here are the stages they talk about - I can elaborate another time.

1. pre-contemplation
2. contemplation
3. preparation
4. action
5. maintenance
6. heaven

We can change our being and doing and I'm praying this a.m. as to how we will mobilize youth in this territory to raise $100,000 for Tsunamai relief. The SA in Canada has pledged to raise $1,000,000 and in the light of all the devestation to children why in this IYCY 2005 couldn't the youth raise a tithe of that ie. $100,000.

I need your prayers and feed-back on this one as we throw out the challenge to the SA youth of the nation. Every youth group, sunday school committing cash, an idea, a prayer - showing the world, our Lord that we care, life matters, survival matters, loving our neighbour matters.

Our being attuned to the living Lord will propel us to action - pray and act on! Let me hear from you.

Sunday, January 02, 2005


Wait - it's not my sensibilities gone wild over relating to youth and children for the 2005 International Year of Youth and Children by watching huges gobs of TV - the O.C. included - although culture is descriptive and proscriptive - (it helps me understand my world and also tries to squeeze me into its mould) - a discerning dose of Holy Spirit will help us nail this one down - it's not easy but necessary (like ever good thing for us) alas I should know and be aware of the O.C. and other stuff, but I digress...

The O.C. I'm on to is Oswald Chambers "My Utmost for his Highest" daily devotional. I'd had it on my shelf for years, nibbled on it occasionally - then in 2003 I read it through - A BLESSING!

I've got my 2005 devotional sked down and while I read a couple of things daily in my structured time - this year it will be Men's Devotional Bible, and for my Emotional Well-being (Intelligence) Henri Nouwen's "The Inner Voice of Love" (I know I need this as my emotions can get of out whack real quick and I need daily reminders) and the O.C.

An excerpt:
The idea is not that we work for God, but that we are so loyal to Him that He can do His work through us - "I reckon on you for EXTREME service, with no complaining on your part and no EXPLANATION on Mine." God want to use us as He used His own son.

"And we know that God works all things together for good to those who love him and are called by him."

Trust and obey sovereign God - he's partnering with us - have you got that - his way is best you see - we're in His hands. He's got us covered. Thanks Oswald - but thank you Jesus!

(CAUTION: This OC bread is chewy - not for the casual snacker - guaranteed to fortify)