Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Contentment without Complacency

Here's the challenge - to live every moment with total contentment but without a hint of complacency. To never let envy or ambition or greed steal joy from the deep places of our beings, but to never become self-satisfied by where we are on our journey either.

Anxiety is one danger; apathy is the other. Jesus is the answer to both. Christians find themselves in the strange business of disentangling themselves from the things of this world while busily engaging themselves more deeply than ever in the affairs of life.

Somehow Christians should be both more in love with the world and less in love with the world than anyone else. A tricky, worthy and needful dance.

"Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, "Never will I live you; never will I forsake you"


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