Iginters of the World Ignite - be Ignited....
Just spent a great weekend with 9 amazing youth who are keen to "fan into flame" the gift that God has birthed in them. I love them all already.
We've talked about knowing, liking and being who we are - our personalities, our passions, our expereience, abilities, and later we'll get into spiritual gifts.
We had a lot of fun, shared stuff from the heart - real, relevant, relational. Holy moments!
We're going to "bring it on" this year with Ignite. I also pray for the War College crowd, The New East Toronto Glory Shoppe, Boundlessmagazine.com, continuing wind and fire following "Territorial". It's not too late, but I sense urgency, if we are not to lose a lot of youth to other emerging expressions of faith.
Think critically, serve passionately - "follow your heart without hesitation", get around good people - don't die spiritually. It might mean getting something going where you are, it might mean doing something with others who are in the same boat, it might mean toally moving on.
Friends - life is too short - fan into flame the gift God has given you!
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