Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Kairos Time

We speak of chronos time - minutes, seconds, nano-seconds - we have devices to measure time.

Then there is kairos time - eg. now is the time to worship; they were the worst of times, they were the best of times. This is a significant time in my life.

Sam Hutchinson says "This is kairos time, a time to influence and inspire our land for a generation to come...May the Holy Spirit show us what may change, what must change, and what must not change.

Hmmmmm....Time for the Alcoholics Anonymous prayer which can be prayed by all - the Known Human Beings prayer: God grant me the courage to change the things that I can, the serenity to accept the things I cannot, and the wisdom to know the difference.

The future is too important to be left to chance. God works, I work - its the sacred dance. Time is precious, it's vapour - he leads, I respond - he reveals himself, I act on the revelation. Lord help me to seize the day Sometimes I'm out there on my own, but that's how my faith is strengthened, that's how my faith is deepened.

Only one life - it soon will pass - only what's done for Christ will last! My life is in your hands!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi TYS! :) Jen from Newfoundland here, I was the drummer at the Leadership Weekend! Man it's amazing how many people you can find online when you look at pages of friends' of friends. Anyways, bye!

8:09 AM  

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